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September 22, 2021 - To the Wild Hell and back again

Niko Benas

Saxon Switzerland hiking paradise. The Elbe Sandstone Mountains await you with bizarre rock formations, idyllic hiking trails and exciting climbing opportunities.

On the more than 1200 km wide network of hiking trails there are the most varied types of tours in all degrees of difficulty, 400 of which lead through the strictly protected national park.

A big wish during my 10-day stay in this very special place in Germany, was to get to the 465 meter high summit of the Carolafelsen.

I was determined to enjoy the phenomenal view at sunset and take pictures from all sides.

The starting point is the hiking car park at the end of the Nassen Grund in Kirnitzschtal.

650 meters after the start in the Kirnitzschtal valley, a smaller path turns left. It is signposted with the name Eulentilke and the destination is the path to the Carolafelsen.

The hike, which is just 4 km long, stands out because it immerses itself in the picturesque Schießgrund, Wilde Hölle and Eulentilke gorges with their very special charm.

The Wilde Hölle (Wild Hell) is a wild, romantic and adventurous staircase through a narrow, lush green gorge. The difficult thing about this ascent is that it is not a normal path, but a few rock steps, ladders, a few iron handles and along smooth rocks.

After about an hour of sweaty climbing, I finally reached my destination.

The view from the Carolafelsen is simply gigantic.

The spectacular view of the back of the Schrammsteine, the Falkenstein and the Torsteine ​​takes your breath away. When the view is clear, the Lilienstein can also be seen exactly behind the Falkenstein.

Please note: the Carolafelsen is very busy on weekends and public holidays, and you should also find out about the current forest closures beforehand!


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